
Radhadesh ASBL

Why choose Radhadesh ASBL?

Radhadesh ASBL is a non-profit organization. Our goal is to promote spiritual development through application of ancient Vedic methods. Methods include Yoga, Meditation, Healthy lifestyle, Education, Eco-farming and Congregational chanting. Radhadesh hosts a community of about 100 members who on a voluntary basis develop new ideas, are engaged in existing projects and help maintain and update them. On a yearly basis about 20.000 visitors (tourists, spiritual seekers, learners, teachers and volunteers) are served. The 100 community members are already from more than 40 different nationalities, harmoniously living in Radhadesh for more than 30 years. Not only do the projects of Radhadesh do not take into consideration the nationality, but also gender, age, ethnicity and social background is not a hindrance to participate.



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