Morning: I can’t really say we had any typical mornings. Every morning was different and exciting. Each morning I woke up around 6:00am (by choice) or early and got to watch the sun rise from my own personal cabana over looking the ocean. When I finally left my cabana there would be fresh fruit, juice, coffee and tea out for us to have before our morning dive. We would do a morning briefing on what it was that we were going to do on that dive. By 7:30 am we were already on the open water ready for our adventure!!
After our dive we would arrive back to the caye and breakfast would be ready for us, which was perfect because if you have never been diving it makes you hungry!!!
Now what we actually did on each dive really depended on what needed to be done and what we wanted to do. Sometimes we just had a fun dive and others we did some conservation/volunteer work such as conch and/or lobster surveying, monitoring the coral reef and lion fish hunting!
After breakfast we did what we wanted, which for me was usually laying in a hammock reading one of the fish or coral identification books available.
Afternoon: By 11:00 we were ready to go diving again. Like I said above, what we did during that dive was really up to the group and what needed to be done. What was amazing about the SCUBA diving was that it was always different. We dove 3 times a day but it never got old. The group knows the area so well that we were always going to a different site and the marine life was so plentiful that there was always something new to look at. During my first dive I said I wanted to see Eagle Rays and as we got to the site we went down and two huge Eagle Rays swam by. They were very accommodating and with such a small group they were willing to personalize the dives. I asked to go on a deep dive so we did!
While there I was completing my Rescue Diver Certification so I would often study when we returned. Hmm I am not sure if I can call it studying… I laid in a hammock with a beer, beside the ocean reading my PADI book.
We would soon after have lunch. I can’t express how much I loved the food. What they were able to come up with on this little caye was amazing!! The meals were always different and I was there for two weeks! After lunch I would again relax, lay in the sun and as soon as I digested enough I was back in the water. I love SCUBA diving by the snorkeling around the island was just as beautiful.
Late afternoon we were back into the water with our third dive of the day. No matter what we were doing that dive we always ensured we did a little lion fish hunting so we could have some fresh fish for dinner! Like I said I was doing my Rescue Diver Certification so often during these dives something would go “wrong”. It was a great way to learn by having to respond to planned issues while diving. I saved an overboard passenger, unconscious, panicked, tangled diver and much more. I really couldn’t ask for a better place to complete my certification.
I cannot forget the fact that we went out looking for Whale Sharks. Of course we found some! What an amazing experience to be able to swim with such a huge, beautiful shark.
Evening: In the evening we would have an amazing meal, share photos and stories from that day, lay in a hammock with a beer and just relax. Perhaps not for everyone but we even did some night dives. If you have never been I highly recommend it. The marine life during the night is completely different and what an experience to only be able to see what is in front of your light beam.
Most nights after a few beer, story sharing and a couple of games of cards we would get to bed early so we could do it all over again.
Highlights: Well before going I knew I wanted to swim with whale sharks, complete my Rescue Diver certification and do some conservation work. I not only got to do it all but so much more so it is hard to pick my highlight. If I must pick something I have to say it was swimming with Whale Sharks. Swimming with such a huge (30 feet), beautiful, gentle shark is something I will never forget.