
SantaGiulia Arts Academy

Why choose SantaGiulia Arts Academy?

We are an Italian Fine Arts Academy based in Brescia, not far from some of the most important cities of the Northern Italy: Milan (80 km) , Verona (70 km), Venice (180 km).

SantaGiulia Academy offers more than 400 courses, that go through all the artistic and design ambits, from interior design to digital media, from web design to the virtual setting.

Teachers are dynamic and challenging, well-known professional figures who are able to offer to the students an incredible array of knowledge and experiences to put them in contact, immediately and at a very high level, with the national and international labour market.

In addition to the usual three-year and specialized courses, SantaGiulia Arts Academy also offers seven practical Summer courses.
These courses are 2-week laboratories dedicated to international students and focused on typical Italian artistic excellences.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Ilaria Manzoni

Job Title
Deputy Director SantaGiulia Arts Academy
Deputy Director in charge since 2014. Before that time, she covered different professional positions in the company (the last one in the educational area). She works for the educational offer under the supervision of the Director of SantaGiulia Arts Academy.

What is your favorite travel memory?

With my works, I have the possibility to frequently travel with different purposes. In my best memories, there are two different trips: the first one was when I was for the first time in Brussels visiting the EU Parliament. The second one was my first time in the USA, in Philadelphia, for the NAFSA educational fair.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I've completely changed the way to look to the world: working in the artistic field gives me the possibility to every day discover new fantastic things. I have discovered a new part of me that is considerably connected with people and especially with the students. I also have become more patient (even if the road is still long!).

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

A student coming back from an Erasmus experience told me once that the best thing that happened to him was to completely change his way to see the things. When he arrived in the destination place, he was excited about the experience, but at the same time afraid of it. At the end, he told me that he had the possibility to look at himself and to discover a new person, completely different. But it is said that an abroad experience can change life!

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

The summer courses are at the moment the best way to enter in contact with SantaGiulia Arts Academy and the things that makes it unique: the tradition, the learning by doing method and the beauty of Brescia and surrondings.

Staying in Italy, in Brescia, for a brief period (from 2 weeks till a month) gives the students a more clear way of what it should be to move for a long period. This is why I'd really do it.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

My company is unique in the way to consider its students in a very personal way: each student here has the possibility to live his experience surrounded by people that believe in him/her.

Personally, I'm in general really proud of my team: when we work straight to achieve a target and we reach it, we are ready to share the joy considering the plus of each person that has contributed to it.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Being able to intercept the ever-changing world to offer to the student an always up-to-date education.

This means that we always are ready to call into question what we do if we realize that it isn't working.
Being a successful company means also to be prepared to welcome the changes and to do it in a very sustainable way.