Children hand in hand

Starfish Nicaragua

Why choose Starfish Nicaragua?

Starfish Nicaragua was created over 20 years ago as a response to the dreadful illiteracy in the Nicaraguan's public school system. We work closely with 2 public schools and our mandate is education. 44% of children do not graduate. We find a family to sponsor a child through school and then, if they so choose through further education to give them a chance to break the wheel of poverty and help support their families.
A trip with us would include shopping at the local markets with the children for their school supplies and backpacks, helping paint, teach and feed a pile of extremely enthusiastic children! Being part of serious discussions about lack of water and health education and being part of the solution. Travelling though Nicaragua and learning how fair trade has changed the face of certain slum communities. Plus, a live volcano and a swim in a warm lagoon!!



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Yes, I recommend this program

Starfish Nicaragua

This volunteer experience was very rewarding. We were involved in painting a local school and giving donations to those students. We visited a preschool and provided a warm lunch for the kids. As well, we set up a soup kitchen for locals in a poorer neighborhood. On top of the humanitarian work, we enjoyed learning about and visiting sites in Nicaragua. We went to a live volcano, the historic town of Granada, boat ride on a river with monkeys! We participated in a cooking class with local foods.

  • Actually working with the people that were there to help. Very hands on with locals.
  • As well as volunteering, we were experiencing sites of Nicaruagua.
  • Very good good and accommodation organized by Susie, who is an excellent leader.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Opportunity to create what really matters to you!

If you only volunteer once in a while please think of starfish Nicaragua next time! I travelled in a small team of mixed ages from early 20s to an 80 year old. The group was led by the amazing Suzy Campbell and her experienced local guides who are with you every step of the way. They ensure you feel welcomed, supported and useful no matter your physical ability or level of travel experience.

We went shopping with the sponsor students for their school supplies at a local open air market which means we had lots of friends quickly on the schoolyard! Our building goal was to make a concrete kitchen so the school could start a meal program. With Starfish organizing all the materials in advance we got straight to work and had so many local parents join us that we finished ahead of schedule. So we added a school garden and playground update to our list of projects! On our final afternoon at the school we had a huge piñata party before spending the last days of our trip at the beach.

At the end of every day you have the chance to unwind and get to know your fellow travelers, guides, and the culture of Nicaragua. We visited local restaurants, watched pottery demonstrations, held nature walks which included info on the plant and animal life and a visited volcano. Go on this trip because you get to create a more beautiful connected world.

  • Direct positive impact to kids, families, school
  • Community and cultural immersion
  • Balance of giving / fun times on the trip
  • Seeing poverty up close can be heartbreaking
  • Bumpy roads


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