Tea Leaf Trust - Providing opportunities through education

Tea Leaf Trust

Why choose Tea Leaf Trust?

Tea.. it's always there for you. However, people from tea-estate communities within Sri Lanka face many problems on a daily basis; low wages, gender inequality, alcohol and substance abuse, violence against women and suicide rates are very high. Tea Leaf Trust offers educational programs to children and young adults from these communities. We aim to develop their emotional health, self-worth and English skills as to offer them the opportunity to escape the poverty cycle. We are committed to help effect social transformation in tea estate communities by developing educated professional and empowered young people. They will be enabled to lead social transformation within tea plantation communities.



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Yes, I recommend this program

An extremely memorable volunteering experience

This was one of the most special and memorable experiences of my 6 months travelling Asia. If you want to open your eyes to how people from a disadvantaged community facing poverty live, get a deep insight into Sri Lankan culture and contribute to a cause that’s making a significant impact in changing lives, then this is the place for you!

I spent a month at TLT - 3 weeks in Maskeliya and 1 week in Nuwara Eliya - during that time I supported teachers in their lessons, helped them with their English and lead language games to support advanced students with their conversational English. Beyond that I formed wonderful friendships with the teachers and students and listened as many shared incredibly inspiring stories of the hardship they’ve faced and the resilience they’ve used to tackle problems over and over again. Outside of school I explored the stunning areas where the schools are based with teachers and volunteers and visited the homes of teachers to see how they live their lives, only being welcomed with the warmest hospitality. I think even a volunteer like me, who doesn’t have expertise in education/teaching, can have an important impact by making the students and teachers in this community feel seen and cared for by someone from outside of their world, I could really see how much it meant for them that I wanted to help them improve their English, understand their lives and be their friend.

In comparison to my experience volunteering elsewhere I think the experience of volunteering at TLT maintains a good balance between being eye opening and rewarding whilst not being something that’s too outside of your comfort zone.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Such a win/win experience

With Agility With No Borders, we have created a tiny NGO aiming at narrowing life divides of unpriviledged people. In Sept 2023, we spent 1 intense and great week within the MASKELYA Tea Lea Center, to share with managers, teachers and students various practices and tools directly linked to the 21st century skills (World Economic Forum), like creativity / innovation, critical thinking / problem solving, teamwork / collaboration, dialogic vs instructional teaching, agile leadership, etc.... The welcome, the energy and the willingness to learn were unforgettable. We applied the same in Nepal, and we are preparing our next and much longer stay within Tea Leaf Vision in summer 2024.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
We'll spend much more time, for a deeper dive in the culture and the local life.
  • TLC is a great organization, with incredible people and projects
  • You can also enjoy beauties of Sri Lanka, especially the PEKOE TRAIL
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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible Experience!

After spending a year working with different non-profits around the globe, my time as a photographer with Tea Leaf Trust in Sri Lanka was an absolute highlight!

I spent 3 weeks living in Nuwara Eliya (documenting a newly opened Tea Leaf school) and 1 week in Maskeliya (documenting a more established Tea Leaf school). It was an incredible experience learning about life in the upcountry tea estates, while simultaneously supporting groundbreaking work in education, health, and social development.

This would be an especially valuable experience for those with or looking to gain teaching experience, or with a passion for improving grassroots education. Most needed are volunteers to assist in the schools, which support some of the most under-resourced - and high potential - young adults in the country.

  • Definitely stay at Sky Heaven with Krishan and his family
  • Stay for 1 month+ if you can
  • Warm, welcoming team and community
  • Foreign female travelers should be careful about walking or using public transport alone
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Yes, I recommend this program

Meaningful Community Volunteering

When looking for a volunteer experience I wanted to find an opportunity that was meaningful, very much linked and integrated in the community and with the chance to get to know local people and culture in a way beyond the usual travel experience. Tea Leaf Trust looked great on paper and from the first moment chatting with the founders and the volunteer coordinator to the three-week experience in Maskeliya, I was not disappointed.

I am a teacher so I was looking forward to sharing some of my skills but I think the school does very well with matching skills to the programme and welcomes a diverse range of people.

At school there was support, inspiration and friends to be found at every turn. The local staff are very welcoming and inspiring people. Sharing moments with them in classes, over lunch and even in social times was a real highlight. Working with the students there, with their drive to make the best of the education they were receiving and develop not only themselves but the community, was also an incredible experience.

We stayed with a local family which really added to the experience as we would spend evenings sitting round the dinner table eating the best food I tasted in Sri Lanka and chatting with the family.

All round the experience was fantastic and I really hope to go back in the future to this amazing country, town and school.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I might stay a bit longer! We were there for 3-weeks which is a good amount of time but I think if it's possible for you to stay longer you can integrate even more into the school and local community.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing for all involved.

Back in December of 2017, my partner Jenny and I made a decision to change paths. We were determined to embrace change and take intermittent breaks from our chosen careers, an array of furloughs as such. One night as we sat together in our flat in Spain, we fortuitously discovered Tea Leaf Vision.

From the very beginning we were inspired by Yasmene and Tim's story, it seem both righteous and compassionate. After a delightful interview with Carol Workum we were even more convinced that TLV was the volunteer project that we truly wanted to be part of. By the end of the month we got the confirmation that we had been selected to volunteer in February of 2018.

Filled with glee, we vowed to give all we could to the project. Coincidentally it was at this time (January 2018), that Jenny and I were to marry. We decided that instead of people giving us gifts of cash that rather they should sponsor us to volunteer with TLV.

Arriving in Maskeliya was a hugely enriching experience, the lush green rolling hills, the smiles on everyone's faces the tangible sense of hope. At the first Monday morning assembly we got to know all the teachers, interns and students. We could immediately tell that everyone was driven by passion and resilience. This became contagious.

All our interactions with locals, staff and students were life enhancing and fulfilling. Long-lasting friendships were established almost immediately.

In the end, we spent a mere three weeks at TLV in Maskeliya, yet it will stay with us for a lifetime. The positive effects that TLV has on the local and wider community is both admirable and essential.

I would encourage anyone who believes in people's inherent desire to overcome difficult situations and strive to better themselves, to spend at least a few weeks at this unique Sri Lankan/British sanctuary.


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose this programme because a teacher who worked for me when I was a Primary School Headteacher got involved with the charity and he recommended it to me as something I might like to get involved in when I retired. It suited me because I was keen to use my experience in education to support a charity in a third-world country.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The Tea Leaf Trust has a designated Volunteer Co-ordinator who works with any volunteer who expresses an interest in helping with the charity. This included a couple of initial telephone conversations and then lots of further advice once both parties agreed it was a suitable placement. I felt very well-supported in terms of my preparation for the experience.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

I think the main piece of advice I would give is to expect the unexpected!

In the same way that it is very difficult to explain to someone what a huge impact having a child will have on your life, it is hard to explain just how life-transforming supporting a charity in a third-world country can be. It is certainly not something to enter into lightly, but, if you go into it very well-prepared, it could be one of the most amazing experiences you will ever have in your life.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

There was no average day/week for me in the work I did with Tea Leaf Vision, as it was so varied across the 3 months I spent working for them.

I had two 'home-bases' in Nuwara Eliya and Maskeliya, where I was attached to the Tea Leaf Vision Schools there, but I also spent some time travelling around Sri Lanka, visiting Sri Lanka Unites Regional Youth Reconciliation Centres, as Tea Leaf Vision provided many of the teachers working in those centres. The fact that it was so varied made it all the more enjoyable for me, but it also meant that I had to be extremely flexible, as I was never quite sure exactly what I would be doing from one day to the next.

I didn't find that particularly challenging, as being a Headteacher in a Primary School was also never the same from one day to the next, so, hopefully, I entered into the experience as a very adaptable, flexible person. Had I not been like this, I think I might have found it quite daunting at times.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

I think my biggest fear was that I would not be as much use to the Tea Leaf Trust as I hoped I would be. As a Primary School practitioner all my working life, I knew I would be working with 18-24-year-old students learning English, so I was apprehensive about how my skill-set would adapt to the situation out there. However, my reservations were very quickly dispelled as I found out that my skills were very generic and ideally suited to the tasks I was given once I was out there.

My other big concern was how I would adapt to living in an extremely different culture, but I was delighted to find out how much I not only got used to living in a very different culture but actually embraced it and began to learn a great deal from it too. Alternative cultures are not better or worse and should not be treated as such; they are just very different and there is so much that we can learn from and benefit from in a new culture. I loved that aspect of being in Sri Lanka and I felt it had a huge impact on me, to the extent that I think I came back a different person.

Is there any other advice for prospective travelers?

I think prospective travelers want to know a variety of things, depending on their previous experience of working abroad in a very different culture. For someone like me, who had never lived or worked abroad in a third-world country, I had very little idea of what to expect, so the thing that made the biggest difference to me was to make sure that I was as well-prepared beforehand as I could be. Taking on board the advice of the charity you are supporting is crucial, as is speaking to as many people as you can who have actually spent time in the country you are going to.

I think, given my time again, I would have read up even more about Sri Lanka so that I was more aware of the political and social context of what I was entering into, as this would have helped me to understand the local people more quickly.