How long is this trip?
Posted by Eliza Anguiano 9 years 3 months ago
There are a few different options for the length of the trip. There is an option to go for two weeks for the volunteer section, which is the most important part. You can also choose to stay for four weeks: two for.l volunteer and two for the adventure tour. Also, you can choose to go there a week before the volunteer section starts to stay with a host family. I don't know if that option is offered for all of the trips though. I would recommend going for at least the four weeks (volunteer and adventure tour).
You can choose to participate in a program in the DR that ranges anywhere from 2-5 weeks in length. You could choose just the 2 week volunteer program, make it 3 weeks by adding the Spanish Language & Cultural Immersion Program, or make it 5 weeks by doing the 4 week program plus the Spanish week. You can also choose the standard 4 week program and you'll participate in 2 weeks of volunteering followed by 2 weeks of adventure travel throughout the DR.
I only 2 did weeks and I wish I did more. I know people who did the 3 weeks with the immersion and it was a great cultural experience and you get to see what the capital city is like. You also get to stay with a host family, learn Spanish, cooking, and dancing. The ones who did that week also created a closer bond. Only a handful of people did the adventure 2 weeks, but they absolutely loved it. You get to do amazing cool stuff. I could only afford the 2 weeks, but I wish I could have stayed longer.
If you want the full experince of being in another country, do the 5-week program but if you don't then do the 2-week project!! I enjoyed the project and adventure more than I did with the Spanish cultural immersion week.
It depends entirely on how much you're willing to pay and/or experience. Two weeks of volunteering only is the minimum, but it range up to five weeks by participating in the two weeks volunteering, two weeks of adventure and the optional Spanish Language & Culture week.