Outward Bound Costa Rica

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Semester course at Outward Bound Costa Rica

Undoubtedly, participating in this course was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. Throughout my time in Costa Rica, I felt happier, more at peace, and truly alive. The life lessons I learned in Costa Rica have changed who I am for the better, and I know I couldn't have learned these lessons in a more beautiful setting than at OBCR.

I really recommend this life-changing course to everyone, and even though signing up to a course like this may seem a bit daunting, embarking on this journey is a beautiful investment in your personal growth and self-discovery.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
For some reason, I was terrified of kayaking, so when I heard we were going on a kayak expedition down the Pacuare River, I was so scared.
The first hour of our expedition, I was singing to myself so I wouldn't cry, just trying to ignore the fact that I was terrified. Luckily, throughout all of this, my instructors were supporting me and making me feel safer and safer.
Then, at one point, on a huge rapid, I flipped my kayak. At first, I thought I wouldn't survive, but then i came to the realization that the river did this on purpose because after I got back in my kayak, all the fear had left my body, and I loved the rest of the expedition.
It's crazy how that works because now the expedition is one of my favorite memories of my entire course.
  • it's a place filled with self-discovery and growth, in every way imaginable.
  • You learn so many skills, practical and mental
  • It's a beautiful immersion in the Costa Rican culture, lifestyle, and nature.
  • Sometimes it does seem hard, but know that even the hard and difficult times will eventually make you stronger.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Coast to Coast Review

I was pretty nervous going into this program because I didn’t have a ton of experience with a lot of the activities that we were going to be doing, but my instructors made me feel so comfortable and gave me the tools I needed to feel confident in each activity we did. This course challenged me both mentally and physically and it made me realize that I am capable of so much more than I think, and I am very grateful for that. I feel so much more confident to push myself out of my comfort zone and to do things that might intimidate me. I gained so much self confidence and independence during this course and I am forever grateful for my instructors and group members for making my experience unforgettable.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
When we were rafting down the General River during our last expedition. The river was really high and there were some massive rapids. It was both scary and fun in the moment and when it was over I felt really proud of my whole group because we were able to see how much we all grew from the start of the program to the end.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Obcr review

This trip has taught me so much in the 85 days I was on it. It sparked a sense of passion in me that I haven’t ever felt and made me feel like it was just the beginning of the rest of my life. OBCR gave me so much and much more that I could’ve ever asked for, and I’m so great full for it all. The new life skills I’ve learnt have helped me gain confidence in myself once again, and for the first time in a very long time I feel true to myself after this whole experience. Outward bound has put me in a direction in life that I can confidently say I want to pursue for as long as I can. I thank OBCR so much and hope to return to Costa Rica in the future.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Keep an opened mind always and always expect the unexpected
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best trip EVER!

This trip was better than I expected it to be. I did not really know what to expect but it better than I could have ever imagined!!!! It was life changing! The staff is very nice and made it great! I feel like we all became close friends. I think we will stay in touch with each other for many years to come. The staff was excellent and very knowledgeable in all aspects of the trip, from the actual activities to group relationships. I felt I was challenged in many ways. It helped me grow as a person in many areas and ways. I highly recommend this trip and would love to do it again! I would highly recommend this to other kids. I would like to do it all over again! I thought the length of the trip was just right! I wasn’t ready to leave but had to!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Do this trip! You don’t need as much stuff as the packing list says. You’re basically in your swimsuit the whole time!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing trip

I think the camp was really cool, I got to meet new friends and I really enjoyed it. I also got better at surfing and the trip was just a really cool experience. It not only improved my surfing, but also helped me open up more and talk to new people. I think everyone would enjoy a trip like this. I just recommend preparing physically to deal with rough currents in the water while ok surfing, since it can really wear you out, trying to go against the current. All the instructors in the trip were really encouraging and knew what they were doing, which made me feel good. They were also cool to be around. They really helped me out in the water, making me more comfortable with the big waves. They were also responsible, and all of this made me feel comfortable. I would definitely recommend this trip to anyone.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Definitely when I went out in the ocean the first day and felt the strong current and saw how big waves could get. I never really had to deal with rough oceans since I always went to different ones. So I had to build up my courage to go out farther on my surfboard. The instructor really helped out, too, and eventually I realized it wasn’t so bad and I wanted to keep going afterwards.
Read my full story
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Service Challenge

Even though we had to change the itinerary because of strikes, my instructors made the most of it. They made bad situations into a great time. For example, we still were able to do everything we were meant to do, like helping sea turtles and painting the classroom in Talamonca and more that no other group has experienced, like feeding baby sheep and holding them. My group was the first group to be able to do some extra tourism, and it was so cool. Plus, the incidents and tourism activities helped create a stronger bond with all of the girls and boys. I will forever be grateful for my experience at OBCR and for my instructors, and course mates. The bonds I have created with them will last forever, and I will stay connected with them for the rest of my life.

What was your funniest moment?
When my guy instructor screamed like a teenage girl when there was a big bug in our room in Talamonca.
Yes, I recommend this program


I went to the Costa Rica Outward Bound. I absolutely loved everything about this trip, the girls, the staff, and the sights. I learned about the culture and the people and of course some Spanish. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and i’m glad I took it. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have gotten so much out of it. It has changed me in so many ways, I took more risks than i’m used to, I didn’t think so small of those living in another country. Being there taught me to “live in the moment” rather than worrying about what is to come. The girls I was with I truly bonded with them, they taught me to be myself and love who I am. The staff are amazing as well, caring, funny, and teach us about everything around us. I enjoyed every bit of it, from the sunburns to the zip lining. Every little thing was enjoyable.

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Cacique [kəˈsēk]: a native chief or local political boss.
I will never forget waking up that morning in a sweat, knowing everyone was going to depend on me. The day my outlook on life changed forever. The day I was cacique.
There were fifteen roles for each of the fifteen girls on the trip to Latin America with me, varying from a cleaner to cacique. Cacique was the job every girl dreaded. Each of the fifteen girls had to be on task and punctual at all times, and if they were not, cacique was to blame. Cacique made the decisions for the whole group, and by the end of day, was the one girl everyone was sick and tired of.
I used to think of myself as the opposite of a leader. I believed I had good ideas, but I always kept them to myself to avoid any external conflict or confrontation. Being cacique for a day forced me to step out of my shell and make decisions for not only myself, but for girls that I cared for like family.
Although I had dreaded being cacique for days, once I asserted myself, my confidence grew. I voiced my once silent opinions and genuinely made a difference in the efficiency of our group. I realized that being a leader is not about silencing others, but rather representing them and being a role model for peers.

What would you improve about this program?
A bigger van for the thirteen girls on the long drive from Costa Rica to Panama.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Outward Bound Costa Rica

We went on a 9 day trip to Costa Rica with our Girl Scout Troop through the organization Outward Bound and it was outstanding in every way. We enjoyed spectacular views, exotic and delicious food and the company of friendly knowledgeable staff. As someone who has visited outside the US, I could not think of a better way to go. We enjoyed beautiful beaches, repelled down a waterfall and saw sea turtles lay eggs in the sand. We saw so much of the country with our local guides.
I felt that out trip was unique and outstanding because it was so intimate. Our troop got to meet and spend time with local families living in the Costa Rican rain forest. Our Troop was very fortunate to get to go on such an amazing adventure. I would highly recommend the trip.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Scuba Sea Turtle Adventure

I really loved this trip and it challenged me a lot. It helped me realize that I have a strong passion for the environment. I loved all of the other girls and my instructors as well. We all had a lot in common and almost always got along well. We did many interesting things like zip lining, SCUBA diving, cave tours, and more but I never felt rushed. The trip was focused on living in the moment and creating memories. My favorite part of the trip was releasing sea turtle hatchlings at San San Pond Sak. Turtles have been my favorite animals almost all of my life and releasing hatchlings has been a life goal of mine since elementary school. Scuba Sea Turtle Adventure and Outward Bound provided me with and opportunity to achieve some of my life goals.

What would you improve about this program?
The packing list could be adjusted. Some items we were asked to bring weren't needed. There were also items that would've been useful that we weren't asked to bring. Feedback from girls on the course could possibly be used.