Undoubtedly, participating in this course was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. Throughout my time in Costa Rica, I felt happier, more at peace, and truly alive. The life lessons I learned in Costa Rica have changed who I am for the better, and I know I couldn't have learned these lessons in a more beautiful setting than at OBCR.
I really recommend this life-changing course to everyone, and even though signing up to a course like this may seem a bit daunting, embarking on this journey is a beautiful investment in your personal growth and self-discovery.
What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
For some reason, I was terrified of kayaking, so when I heard we were going on a kayak expedition down the Pacuare River, I was so scared.
The first hour of our expedition, I was singing to myself so I wouldn't cry, just trying to ignore the fact that I was terrified. Luckily, throughout all of this, my instructors were supporting me and making me feel safer and safer.
Then, at one point, on a huge rapid, I flipped my kayak. At first, I thought I wouldn't survive, but then i came to the realization that the river did this on purpose because after I got back in my kayak, all the fear had left my body, and I loved the rest of the expedition.
It's crazy how that works because now the expedition is one of my favorite memories of my entire course.
- it's a place filled with self-discovery and growth, in every way imaginable.
- You learn so many skills, practical and mental
- It's a beautiful immersion in the Costa Rican culture, lifestyle, and nature.
- Sometimes it does seem hard, but know that even the hard and difficult times will eventually make you stronger.