Beautiful place, beautiful people, beautiful experience!!

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Going into my Hawai'i semester with Carpe Diem I wasn't sure what to expect- it was a new program and many of my past plans this year had already been cancelled. What came of the semester was the most transformative and beautiful two months I ever could have asked for.
Learning from Hawaiian natives about Hawaiian sovereignty, practicing earth stewardship alongside my group, and getting to know the beautiful island of Maui are pieces of my experience I never want to forget along with so so many more. I am incredibly thankful to my OE's for being the warmest, most supportive, and caring people ever. My group truly became an 'Ohana throughout our semester and I feel so lucky to have learned from each one of them and call them all friends now.
The Carpe Diem Hawai'i semester was very intentionally planed and thought out. If you are passionate about the environment, social justice, or the outdoors it would be a mistake not to consider this program! :)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed
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