  • Ireland
52+ weeks

Program Details

Farming Horseback Riding
Year Round
Host Family
Primary Language


Starting Price
Feb 01, 2023
Aug 21, 2023
43 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Lively cities and impressive natural landscapes, dramatic coastal panoramas and above all - the famous Irish "céad míle fáilte", which literally means "a hundred thousand welcomes" - Ireland has it all!

Would you like to finally try out what it feels like to live and work abroad? In Ireland you can now land your dream job on a farm or volunteer in charitable projects for animals! Working or volunteering in Ireland will help you to get more independent and to gain valuable experience for your personal development or future career. Let the emerald island put its charm on you and set out on your adventure abroad!

Our programs in Ireland include:

* Farm Work: cattle & dairy farms
* Jobs at horse ranches, stud farms and riding stables
* Volunteering at shelters for dogs, horses, donkey, & ponies
* Aupair / childcare on family run farms
* Hospitality and tourism internships

Let the emerald island put its charm on you and set out on your adventure abroad!

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Program Highlights

  • Horse Ranches: Gain experience in horse care and train your riding skills and get free accommodation and meals in exchange for your work
  • Farm Work: Get to know the daily routines on a farm and care of the cows and calves and take on tasks independently, such as feeding and milking the animals
  • Shelters for dogs, donkeys, horses and ponies: Take care of neglected and mistreated animals and give them the love and affection they need
  • Supervised internships are possible with experts from your respective field!
  • If English is not your first language, improve your language skills in a very cost efficient way!

Popular Programs

Farm Jobs in Ireland

Set out on an adventure with a job on a farm in Ireland and find out what it feels like to live and work abroad! In Ireland we offer jobs in agriculture. Most farms in Ireland focus on cattle and dairy farming, keeping cows and sheep. You will get free accommodation and meals in exchange for your work!

Working on Horse Ranches in Ireland

You love horses more than anything else? In Ireland we can help you land jobs on horse ranches, stud farms and riding stables, offering you free accommodation and meals in exchange for work! You will not only do the whole day what you love most, but you will also learn how to get more independent and maybe launch your equine-related career!

Animal shelter internship

Do you love animals and do you want to get involved for a good cause? In Ireland, you can volunteer for neglected dogs, cats, horses, ponies and donkeys at animal shelters. You would get involved in a variety of tasks, such as feeding the animals, cleaning the stables and cages, and grooming. As a volunteer, you will give the animals what they need most: attention and love!

Au Pair on a Farm in Ireland

Staying on a farm in Ireland, you would look after the farmer family's children. This is possible from 4 weeks duration only!

Hospitality internship in Ireland

Our hospitality internships in Ireland are mostly in rural areas. e.g. on farms providing guest rooms and offering leisure experiences.

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 2 reviews
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  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 5
  • Support 5
  • Fun 5
  • Value 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Farmarbeit in Irland

Ich habe meinen Farmaufenthalt in Waterford/Irland über World Unite! gebucht.

Man kann meine "irische" Zeit eigentlich in einem einzigen Satz zusammenfassen: Es war einzigartig!
Nicht nur Irlands malerische Landschaft, sondern auch die herzlichen Iren ließen mich schnell im Land ankommen und wohlfühlen. Meine Farm lag im Süden, direkt am Atlantischen Ozean - jeden Tag mit Blick auf das Meer zu arbeiten war eine tolles und motivierendes Erlebnis! Auch wenn ich bisher keinerlei Erfahrung mit "farming" hatte, stellte dies keinerlei Problem dar.
Meine zwei wöchentlichen freien Tage nutzte ich für Ausflüge in der Umgebung. Mit den Bussen sind viele größere (aber auch kleinere) Städte sehr gut erreichbar.

Abschließend ein ganz großes Dankeschön an Miriam von Word Unite! Mein Aufenthalt war von Anfang an PERFEKT organisiert! Sie hatte jederzeit ein offenes Ohr für meine Fragen und ich fühlte mich "rund um" bestens aufgehoben!
Ich kann es definitiv empfehlen, einen Farmaufenthalt über World Unite! zu buchen.

  • Perfekte Organisation des gesamten Aufenthalts über World Unite!
  • Erfahrung "fürs Leben"
  • Kennenlernen einer fremder Kultur
73 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome experience with a lovely family!

Sarah and Kos are amazing! They are lovely and funny people. They showed my around the area and included me in family activities all the time! The horses are amazing and Sarah’s riding skills are insanely good, she loves to teach and makes you improve your own skills!
Sarah takes care of everyone individually so the trails are always different and fun so you don’t have to worry that the experience is gonna be the typical tourist experience.
Had a lovely time there and I definitely want to go back!

138 people found this review helpful.

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