One of the best experiences of my life

Impact: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I traveled with ISV to a project they no longer have in Ecuador. I'm not sure why it's no longer available because it was absolutely fantastic! Six weeks of living with locals (including an Amazonian tribe), hiking volcanoes and white water rafting. I've never lived in such difficult circumstances or felt more rewarded for the work I do. We met up with members of the Costa Rica team for our last week in the Galapagos and just like our experience, they enjoyed a great time with fun, outgoing people. The main difference between our experiences was that Ecuador had only two teams and we all knew each other whereas Costa Rica had 14 so some only met each other for the first time in the Galapagos. ISV does a great job of connecting with a local organization to make sure your volunteer work is on a project that is actually needed rather than something that will be abandoned the instant you leave.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed