There and back again, my ISV New Zealand trip

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I started my 4 week adventure by spending 2 weeks on the coast of the otago peninsula in the south island of New Zealand preserving the yellow eyed penguin habitat. We were placed with our host smack dab in the culture, and we learned so much by living in the culture that I will never forget. They placed us with locals who showed us around the city and all told us a bunch of New Zealand knowledge. The 2 weeks volunteering were actually really fun! It's real work so don't go in expecting to not do anything, or else everyone will be mad at you. We had to cook local dinners together, do dishes, travel, and do everything as a group. in short, you will get VERY close to everyone on your trip. Our hosts provided us with a ton of activities to do in our free time so we were never bored (How could you be in one of the most beautiful places on earth????) The worse part was saying goodbye to our hosts, who basically became family over the course of the stay. We had a group of 6 people but then we met up with about 20 for our adventure tour.

The adventure tour to this day, is still hands down the most fun I've ever had in my life. We started off in Queenstown, then went all the way back up to Auckland. I went bungee jumping at the first ever commercial spot to do so. We did activities like rafting, caving in gloworm caverns, bungee jumping, skydiving, zorbing, spa pools, seeing the Lord of the Rings film set, going to a native tribe, and much much more. There's so much adventure and excitement in this tour I couldn't even try to put it in a single review. Overall amazing experience, already planning my next one, I would recommend doing the same because spaces fill up quickly!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed