The Summer my Life Began

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Value: 5
Safety: 3

A famous Chinese Philosopher once said "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step." This is the quote I chose to perfectly reflect my experience with ISV. What was it that made ISV my first single step on my journey of life? Was it the dancing and cooking lessons I took while being immersed in the culture of Heredia? No. Was it the people that helped me climb over the mountains to our cabin in the middle of the most beautiful national park? No. Was it the scenery that was so indescribable that halfway through the trip I stopped taking pictures because they just weren't doing the place justice? No. Or was it the knowledge I gain from our project leaders and the hands on experience with my favorite animal, Sea Turtles? Again, no. This trip was my single step on my journey of life because it inspired me to keep doing good. For the rest of the summer I continued my hard work and dedication in my own local community and volunteered with a non-profit organization. I am proud to be one of the thousands of "active and global citizens" that ISV is inspiring every year.

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Year Completed