ISV - Australia

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

In Australia, I volunteered at the Walkabout Wildlife Park for two weeks. It was an incredibly rewarding experience! Our main project was to clear trails because a huge storm had just hit. We calculated that if the staff at the park were to work on the trail every day then it would take them four years to finsih this task. It was hard enough already because we would be pulling trees and branches away from the desginated areas all day so to imagine that the staff would have to do this task for four years is a crazy thought.My volunteer group and I did all the work in two weeks! We also made and fixed several animal enclosures. We had to even out the soil in the pig's and dingo's enclosure so that when it rains Waffles, Maloo and Kirrika isn't freezing because of the water in their enclosure. We also made an enclosure for the alpacas so they have shelter from the rain. I think to know that we really made a difference is what made my experience memorable. We helped the park by clearing trails so that they can focus their energy on other projects and by making and fixing enclosures for the animals to make them feel more comfortable. During all of this, I met amazing people who share the same values of volunteering and conservation as I do.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed