My First Adventure Abroad

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Traveling to Costa Rica with ISV was my first time out of the country. Like most people, I was a little nervous about the experience. However, I found that ISV was well-organized and plans everything out for you, including transportation, lodging, and activities. My trip included a week of Spanish classes in Heredia, two weeks of volunteering in the Osa Peninsula, and two weeks of traveling around. Whatever volunteer project you go on will be challenging. For my project, we studied trees in the rain forest, which required hiking for 3-4 hours every day in very high humidity. It was physically demanding, but also rewarding to challenge myself and see what I could accomplish. We stayed with host families in simple accomodations, but that is truly the best way to immerse yourself in the culture of another country. Also, the food cooked by locals is ten times better than anything you will eat at a restaurant! You meet people very quickly in this program, so don't be afraid to go alone; the majority of the people I traveled with didn't know anybody. There were only two disappointments I had with the program that really stuck with me. One was during the Adventure Tour (the two weeks we traveled around the country), we were riding in a bus for 5-6 hours about every 2 days. So, while we got to experience a wide variety of really cool places in Costa Rica, it was also a lot of travel time. Also, be prepared to spend a large sum of money beyond what you pay for the trip. The expense of meals not covered as well as extra optional activities add up and aren't clearly explained in the itinerary. Other than that, I had a fantastic trip and met some really cool people. I would recommend this program to students currently enrolled in college. Take the risk and have an adventure of a lifetime - you won't regret it!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed