ISV Australia: Winda-Mara

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 3
Value: 4
Safety: 4

During my trip with International Student Volunteers I had to opportunity to help with the Windamara conservation project. We helped plant trees, grasses and build a fence. The most interesting thing that happened to us while working started on our first day because we encountered leaches. Aside from being surprised and freaked out some of us couldn't help but laugh at the screams of those who were slightly more afraid. After work that day when we got home we made sure to shake off all our clothes just incase there were some still hanging around. For the rest of the two weeks we were there we were all on the lookout making sure to check each other for leaches. Overall, it was an unforgettable experience being able to help out a community who shares their rich history with all those that come visit.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed