ISV (Costa Rica)- You gotta go!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I heard about International Student Volunteers (ISV) through the flyers that were hung around my school. When they had the informational meeting, I thought "why not" and popped in to check it out. Their presentation was so intriguing and looked like everything I ever wanted; so I put down the deposit and submitted my application. Fast forward to June, I was anxiously sitting on the airplane not knowing what to expect AT ALL. But my nerves were eased as soon as I landed. (ISV was so helpful and engaging prior and throughout the trip). The program consisted of two parts (the second,the adventure, was optional). The first part was two weeks volunteering in the local community of Provedencia. The host families there adopted us like they're own as soon as they met us. Even though there was a language barrier, the love and hospitality poured from each and every home. The other volunteers were amazing; I know that my two roommates are going to be lifelong friends. Though they worked us hard cementing and farming, we learned so much and the experience it gave us was priceless. Everyone I met was so passionate for the cause. The last two weeks was the adventure part. We traveled around the entire country and did everything from surfing to nature treks to repelling. Again, everyone we met was AMAZING. I always felt safe, yet I wasn't smothered and never felt like I was being treated as if I were a child. I HIGHLY recommend volunteering with ISV.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed