A Transformative Year

Housing: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 4

After his year on Young Judaea Year Course our son Max returned home, and safe....not necessarily where he wanted to be. He had changed so much that he walked past me at JFK and I missed him.....until he came up to me for a big hug.

As we drove home to Fairfield, he kept thanking me for 'pushing' him to do Year Course. I reminded him, it was his decision...although we did steer him in that direction. I could go on and on but I will just conclude by thanking the staff of Year Course for taking such good care of Max. More importantly for transforming Max. For doing what Year Course, and Israel do to kids.

We have no more of our own kids to send you, but we will do our best to finds somebody else's kids to send you.

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