Dublin Spring '17

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

Nothing beats the immersive international experience you get while being abroad. Not only does it provide you an opportunity to gain a unique cultural experience but it'll also allow you to acquire new skills and knowledge that are applicable to your future career. Through GE I was able to find two internships that perfectly aligned with my major. As a result, I was able to work on specific research and projects that are related to my field of interest, while also learning to work with a more diverse group of people than I had previously been exposed to. Because of these experiences I obtained, I was able to discover a lot about myself and grow more independently.
GE did a great job planning fun events and a trip outside of work for our group. They were highly supportive and encouraging to get out of our comfort zone to travel and experience new places outside of Dublin. The best part of this whole trip for me personally is being able to travel to different countries in Europe with affordable prices, and GE does a great job giving you tips on the DOs and Don'ts.

Although there are some challenges and barriers to overcome, it was truly an experience of a lifetime.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed