More than a Certificate

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Value: 4
Academic Rigor: 4
Job Assistance: 5

The other reviews have already detailed what you might expect from the course so I'll instead share my experience particularly with the TP aspect of the course.

When the course began I was confident that it will be a cakewalk, especially Teaching Practice, because I've already had seven years of teaching experience. However, just right after the first Guided Observation lesson and before the first TP, my confidence faded away because I realized that most of the things I’ve been doing in class were outdated methods that were not always effective. I was also guilty of a lot of bad teaching habits like asking questions like “Do you understand?” or “Is it clear?” instead of using ICQs and CCQs. So, on my first TP, I was quite nervous. I had to drink a lot of tea just to calm my nerves!

Luckily, I found myself with very supportive teammates who were ready to share their experiences, offer suggestions and point out some weaknesses. This is one the most precious things in TP—the safe and supportive environment that seems to be a natural component of the course. I know I will never find this kind of environment in an actual teaching job where fellow teachers are usually less critical of their peers to avoid conflict. So I relished the feedback and worked harder to improve on my skills.

I was at first disappointed on myself for making errors in teaching but I figured that it’s a good thing because I am still able to correct them. I treasured each feedback, took their advice, and considered the suggested action plan. I worked hard on improving in each lesson and it slowly paid off.

There were highs and lows but by TP6, I was regaining my confidence. By then, I’ve accepted the fact that there will never be a perfect lesson so I instead looked forward to the new thing that I needed to improve on.

TP has been the most challenging part of the course and I enjoyed every moment of it, so much so that I gave it first priority over other tasks in the course.

When the course ended, I felt different. I felt more confident as a teacher. I now look back at my teaching style and laugh at the more ineffective ways I had been teaching. It’s hard to imagine that, three months prior, I was the kind of teacher who taught straight from textbook/ coursebook and with little regard for context.

If you come in to the course pursuing a Certificate, I suggest you do your best and work hard. But if you come in to the course with an open heart and an open mind, you'll get more than just a certificate. You'll get a life-changing experience, you'll get friends, you'll earn the respect of your mentors, and you finish it feeling more confident and ready to be a teacher.

Stray Observations:

EFA is always clean! Favorite spot is at the kitchen bar!

I wish I had more time to go through all the resources! The library definitely made materials prep easier.

The instructors are cool and very knowledgeable. Perfect balance of geek and chill.

During my three months in the course, I saw three batches of the one-monthers. I don't know how they did it. Respect to those guys, they're English machines! Us three-monthers though value our beauty sleep and sanity and the occasional trips to the bar after TP!

EFA's brilliant location in the new trendy side of Hong Kong indeed made it easier to chill and unwind at a nearby cafe, restaurant or bar. You need to unwind if you plan to take this course!

EFA's support after the course is impressive. Until now I still get email alerts on Job openings! And while I already have a job, I imagine this will be very helpful to those who need placement.

When you're done, the sweetest thing you can immediately do is leave your legacy shout-out on EFA's wall of fame (or wall of flame if you're the ranty type but seriously the only thing you'll complain about is the friggin IPA)!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed