The Best Summer Ever

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

The title says it all. It truly was one of the best summers ever. I was able to experience a whole new culture and made some really great friends too. My leaders were compassionate and caring and they went out of there way to do what was best for us. From getting bug bites to playing soccer with locals to hiking and nearly touching wildlife, Costa Rica is a place you'll never forget, especially if you go with the Experiment Study Abroad program. Everyday is fun and enlightening and sometimes there's surprises too. I don't know anybody who didn't like the trip because everything, every place, and everyone were so welcoming and not afraid to make mistakes. Through these type of programs and groups, you are able to really get out of your comfort zone and immerse yourself into the culture. Having had to use my broken Spanish skills was hard but it taught me to dig deep down to find in me and try. That's what the whole trip is about: trying and experiencing new things. Take it from me, a girl who ate termites straight from the nest and even went back for seconds. It was weird but now I can say I did it in Costa Rica. You want to have those moments where no one else has ever done it before and going to Costa Rica with EIL program will allow you to make memories of you own. Every second is a second I'd like to relive. No matter the time or day, no matter how tired I was, I found it in me to explore something I'd only have that one chance to do it. My group may have had ups and downs but we became one of the closest people ever; we became part of a new family.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would