Heart of the Jungle

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I absolutely loved the "Heart of the Jungle" Rustic Pathways program in Costa Rica! The packed sixteen day trip completely flew by because before I knew it, I had to say goodbye to the luscious land of Costa Rica and all of my new friends. "Heart of the Jungle" was the perfect mix of adventure and service. The thrilling activities, like whitewater rafting and waterfall rappelling were incredible experiences that I'm glad I got to check off my bucket list! I wish I could do them all again. The service component of the trip was life-changing. My group helped start building two houses, a handicap accessible bathroom in a community center, and more. The best part was being able to interact with and work alongside the locals. One night we even had an extremely fun soccer match with them and made up our own chant in Spanish. Going into the program I was a bit worried about my limited knowledge of the Spanish language, which is none because I study French, but I realized that the true "language" of Costa Rica was their "pura vida" lifestyle. Everyone was so kind and welcoming that language did not even matter. Along with doing service and participating in activities, I learned a lot more about the environment. Thanks to Rustic I learned how to become a more conscientious and respectful traveler, especially in the evironmental sense. My leaders were extremely knowledgeable, not to mention also being kind and caring people. My trip this past summer has made such an impact on my life and I've gained not only new friends, but also new, unforgettable memories I'll hold throughout my life.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed