My spanish improved so much!

Instruction: 5
Support: 1
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Value: 5

I spent 6 months volunteering in San Jose Costa Rica and had Spanish classes throughout my time here. In total I had classes with 6 of the teachers here and I can honestly say my experience with each and every one of them was great. Although they all have differences in their teaching styles, each taught me a lot. The classes are very conversation based which I think is very important and something that is not always the case in Spanish classes in high school and universities in the United States. I spoke good Spanish when I arrived, but the teachers helped me find my weak points and we worked on those. I feel as though with a combination of Spanish classes and being surrounde dby the language, my spanish improved drastically. I highly recomend the Maximo Nivel Spanish Immersion Program for anyone looking to learn or improve their Spanish, regardless of their current level.

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Yes, I would