Invaluable Experience. Apply NOW!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Collaborating with Navsarjan, an organization that empowers communities marginalized by Caste, to meet individuals where they are at and supporting them on their own terms turned out to be the most amazing experience. It opened my eyes to so many important realities. Participating in this kind of work, work that advocates for individuals and focuses on both their present and their future, was so meaningful and worthwhile. I learned so much from people that commit themselves to a cause that they so believe in. Watching them model what it means to be a caring, hardworking, devoted and conscious person was invaluable and has enabled me to be a more empathetic and open person in my current work and current life. I am grateful to AJWS for giving me this opportunity.

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