Special Needs Children in China

Impact: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I spent a whole month in China and had a great time. Although there were a few unexpected things (which I have already informed IVHQ about) any issues were easily sorted out! I gained a lot of knowledge from my trip that I continue to apply in my day to day life! This program has given me the opportunity to make a difference, meet new people, learn a new language, and utilize my skills on an international level!

While I was in China it rained almost the whole time, which was apparently, for October, not normal. We still managed to have fun though! The worst part was that it often took a lot longer for things to dry out!!!

I really enjoyed having the freedom to explore during our downtime while still having structured parts to my day.

IVHQ has some things to work out with the Host Organization in China but overall the experience was very positive! I would definitely do a trip via IVHQ again!!!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would