Summer Camp Leadership

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

This program was a wonderful experience. We planned a day camp for deserving Costa Rican Youth of La Fortuna. Everyone on the trip got really close and we felt like a family by the end. Many kids from the trip have stayed in touch. The Ticos are adorable and really appreciate the work you do. The whitewater rafting at the beginning of the trip very well might have been the highlight as it was so spectacular! The scenery was beautiful the whole trip and you do a fair amount of tourism as well as your volunteering. Although it is helpful to know at least some spanish other kids will most likely be able to translate for you. The trip mostly has kids 16 and older though 14+ are allowed to go. I wouldn't recommend going before high school as it might be hard to relate to the rest of the kids. The kids on my trip were not as into the community service as one might expect though they did love the Ticos. The kids just weren't as in to the work and planning. You sleep in a base bed and breakfast type place and the ticos are bussed to you every morning. Its really great to bring arts and craft because there are not many supplies available in town. Overall the trip was a really great experience!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would