Volcanoes and Rainforest - Life changing

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I did the Volcanoes and Rain Forest program in Costa Rica - it was incredible.

The bus ride to the base house is a little rough, but only takes about 3 hours. The base house is beautiful - fresh water pools, soccer fields, ponds, and tons of rain forest.

For the most part, this is a community service program. I worked mostly with a school down the street helping to build a new classroom. The kids were adorable and always wanted to play soccer.

On the weekend, we went Zip Lining, rafting, and even had a big dance party at the house. Going into town was awesome, I only wish we could have spent more time there. Oh...and hot springs!

The staff were great. They didn't get in our ways, but were always around.

It was hard to say goodbye

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Yes, I would