Rustic Pathways Turtle Conservation

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

This was my first experience with Rustic and while my parents were skeptical at first they couldn't refuse after they browsed the detailed an comprehensive website and talked to the staff, all of which are enthusiastic and helpful. All of the pre-trip details were taken care of and a a first time international traveler, it made me very reassured and comfortable. Their airport staff members were amazing and made everything go smoothly, it was also a great time to start making friends. Once in Costa Rica all of the participants from all the programs went to a hostel for the first night and then we departed for our different programs the next morning. A typical day on Turtles involved waking up for breakfast and then a few hours of morning service. Afterwards was time for relaxing, swimming or showering before lunch. Meals were a mix of American and Costa Rican and were delicious even though I am a very picky eater. After lunch was more service which involved building a hatchery or a beach clean up. For the rest of the day we hung out and played games. Turtle walks occurred at night anthers were usually two groups. Everyone got to see a turtle laying eggs. And we each were involved in transporting eggs tithe hatchery. On the weekend we went into town and to the beach for zip lining and surfing. Overall, the trip was amazing with the best staff ever. They also make return trips possible with the Star Alumni discount.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would