NPH: Don't ignore the "feeling"!

Impact: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Value: 3
Safety: 4

After I first volunteered abroad for a short time, I had a nagging feeling that I wanted to do more. I wanted to stay longer, get further involved in the communities I visited and learn more from the individuals in those communities. I worried a little at first about how to find a legitimate program, if I could afford it, and how safe it would be. I didn't have many friends who had volunteered abroad long term, so I had to research on my own mostly. I chose NPH because of their mission and the tailored professional positions they offered. Jobs for 1 year weren't advertised vaguely as "volunteer" but "physical therapist," "visitor coordinator," "teacher," "caregiver educator," "social worker," etc. If you are looking for a strong program in Latin America to become involved with, I strongly encourage you to look into working at NPH. It's a challenge for sure, but it's one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had. The children changed me in unexpected ways, and I think about them daily. Listen to your "feeling!"

The Friends International Volunteer Program sends qualified individuals, couples and families to support the staff and children living in the homes of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos in the Dominican Republic.

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Yes, I would