Just do it !

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

If you're thinking about travelling with ISV to Australia, I only have one thing to say to you: just do it! You're probably worried about being so far away from home, and I don't blame you. Before my trip I was so anxious I couldn't sleep at night. That all disappeared once I landed in Australia. The staff was friendly right from the moment I met them at the airport. These strangers that you're assigned with for your volunteer program become some of the best friends in your life with memories you will never forget. Our group is getting together for New Years this year !
For your volunteer trip, you get to work with local Australian programs. I worked with Conservation Volunteers of Australia where we did conservation work around Townsville, QSLD, Australia. It was a great learning experience.
For your adventure tour, you get to do so many amazing things you never even imagined being able to do in a lifetime, let alone in two weeks. I went scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef, Night bungy jumping, rafting and so much more.
I give ISV a 10/10. I had such an amazing time.

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Yes, I would