Volunteer in Australia

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

As a young girl I always wanted to travel, and i always knew there is more out there than my hometown and country. Growing up i got to learn about the different geographic places, the enviornmental problems that they face as well their distinct biodiversity of animal and plant species.
Australia, one of the most unique places, yet exotic and so very vulnerable; has been number one on my "bucket list". The tremendous beauty that it hold as well as its endemic species are truly spectacular. knowing about their fragile enviornment and the harsh conditions that their ecosystems are facing i volunteered to help.
I chose ISV because i had heard positive reviews and decided to travel with them- and i am glad i did!
I experienced Australia not like a tourist but more like a citizen. Working with the native animals gave me a joy that i always wondered about. Rain or sunshine- dawn to dusk, i realized it's not about me anymore as it is so much about the land and the animals.
During the first 2 weeks of volunteering not only i learned about the culture and the history of Australia, but i also learned so much about my own self. Volunteering changed me and opened my eyes to the real problems that some people face in their day to day basis.
During the second 2 weeks of traveling, i traveled with the group from Sydney all the way up to Cairns where the great barrier reef is located. Talk about one of the 7 wonders of the world!! And i did the things i only dreamed of: Snorkeling and Scuba diving in the great barrier reef; which actually made me cross off number 2 on my "bucket list"!!! :)
It doesn't matter whether you like to swim or not, you will see and do things you have never experienced before.

My experience with ISV is one i will never forget. I met some of the most amazing people, some who taught me a thing or two along the way and at last an amazing ISV staff who made it easy and safe for me personally. The staff made me feel so safe and they were there when i needed them or when anybody needed them really. With their help i never had any difficulties and all the moments were to cherish every second of the way.
This experience has got me cruising down memory lane very often and when this happens, all i do is smile and be thankful to have gone to class they day of ISV announcement in my classroom!!!

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