SIC made a tremendous difference in my life.

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

SIC provides an excellent volunteering experience in the field of HIV/AIDS abroad. With this program, you work with international volunteers and Tanzanian university students to run an HIV awareness campaign in a village in rural Tanzania. The program is set up very well, with a focus on sustainability. In your village, you teach about HIV in schools, the community and any where else you have the opportunity to. You also run testing days as well as community days- days where you attempt to get entire villages to come out and get tested, learn and come together to talk about HIV/AIDS. One of the greatest aspects of this program is working with the Tanzanian teaching partners. These young Tanzanians are fluent in both English and Swahili but they are not just translators. They help you teach, enlighten you in the culture and become some of your best friends. My experience with SIC solidified my desire to go into medicine and the importance of public health and education.

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