My time at CCPP was a wonderful experience.

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 3

Normal days consisted of an 8am start, with 30mins of yoga with the children, then the painting started. When I was there, volunteers had to have had prepared a powerpoint presentation of an artist or 'concept' we wanted to have the children do. Then came the handing out of paper, pencils, eraser, etc. Once the children had drawn their 'mock' run we would give them boards with their ID numbers on so that they could paint on it and we would later put it on exhibition at the gallery. Once that was done, some of the volunteers would play activities with the children and others would be in the kitchen helping the lovely cook dish out the rice and food. Once lunch was served and the centre cleaned, volunteers would walk back to the gallery for our lunch break. Wanting to make the most of the amazing weather I was lucky enough to have had, I spent all my lunch breaks at the beach. After two hours, it was back to work for the afternoon shift until 5.
Working at CCPP is pretty basic, its the wonderful Khmer staff, children and the volunteers which make it an amazing experience.

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