Authentic, honest organisation that are actually making a difference.

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I did a short but intense placement with Ninth Wave in December 2018, with my main focus being on Bat Research in Calakmul Jungle. The work these guys do is hugely inspirational. Ninth Wave consists of just a small team of massively dedicated individuals who really are making a big impact across the town. They've inspired and encouraged individuals from all over to recycle and reuse and find plastic-free alternatives in a country where sustainability isn't a priority. The amount of work these guys take on is admirable and I couldn't recommend enough a placement with them. They put in a lot of effort to make you feel at home and like an important component within the organisation. They fully support you utilising your own skills and developing interests you find along the way. I learnt so much that I never expected to learn; skills and general life lessons. You also get to experience an authentic side of mexico, and additionally how a small not-for-profit runs. You live in a traditional Mexican house in the centre of town and form strong relationships with the locals that have become an intrinsic part of Ninth Wave and it's philosophy.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed