A paradise in the middle of the Atlantic Rainforest

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Iracambi has proven time and time again how successful of a NGO they have become! Every single member of the staff, down to the various animals loving a free life style, have a strong driven passion for the reforestation and restoration of the rainforest. Actions that may seem small, such as making bags in the nursery, all play a bigger factor into the overall goal of Iracambi. Volunteers are treated with such care and attention, not one time have I not been aided by a fellow Iracambi staff in a time of need. Everyone ensures volunteers learn about the ins and outs of the local life and how to incorporate passion into every day work. You could truly tell the difference of the air quality in the main headquarters of Iracambi when you are coming from the city! I along with a group of four other university students have stayed for a total of almost nine weeks and wish we could extend our time! There has never been a dull moment from working alongside other volunteers from various countries to taking a swim in a gorgeous waterfall after working all morning. Iracambi also works alongside volunteers to ensure you are able to take weekend trips to explore other areas! Truly recommend this experience to every single person interested in volunteering abroad for the first time or even as a means to educate yourself on environmental justice!

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Year Completed