Amazing trip

Value: 5
Fun: 5
Staff: 5
Safety: 5
Organization: 5

I think the camp was really cool, I got to meet new friends and I really enjoyed it. I also got better at surfing and the trip was just a really cool experience. It not only improved my surfing, but also helped me open up more and talk to new people. I think everyone would enjoy a trip like this. I just recommend preparing physically to deal with rough currents in the water while ok surfing, since it can really wear you out, trying to go against the current. All the instructors in the trip were really encouraging and knew what they were doing, which made me feel good. They were also cool to be around. They really helped me out in the water, making me more comfortable with the big waves. They were also responsible, and all of this made me feel comfortable. I would definitely recommend this trip to anyone.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed