Puerto Rico

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I'd really enjoyed my experience here with all hands and hearts. I have struggled with the communal living space and lack of privacy if you need it. The people on a whole are epic and I've learnt so much from every single one of them. I wish there was a little more constructive training prior to going to a work site. Clear instruction on site is something I think would make each project on a house run much more smoothly. Everyone coming to volunteer is an adult and so a guide outlining the processes would make sure each individual is knows their role within the team and working to produce a goal which would be more time efficient and productive overall.
I was quite overwhelmed at first by how many people were here and found it quite intimidating entering into such a big group who mostly already knew each other.
I wish there was a better chill space with comfortable sofa and tv.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed