Step out of your comfort zone and come to Nicaragua for the new culture, friends, and skills!

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 5

This program took place in 2021, in a very unique time in the world. To protect the health of everyone in our group and the communities we visited, we had to go "light" on the service activities and very deep cultural immersion. Even still, there were so many opportunities to meet Nicaraguans, learn about their society, and see their unique ways of responding to social and environmental challenges.

In addition to the community component, the program was incredible for students to practice living together, learning to communicate constructively and kindly, and advocating for their own needs (what good preparation for college or any other young adult living situation!).

As a member of the staff, I saw students grow as leaders and as caring members of the little community we created. So many beautiful connections and friendships were made between the Nicaraguan and U.S. participants.

I would recommend this program to any young person who wants to improve their Spanish, expose themselves to new ideas, make friends with people from different backgrounds, and see a very beautiful and special part of this world!

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Yes, I would
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