Marketing Advisor

Impact: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Value: 4
Safety: 5

For 2 Weeks, my cousin and I worked as marketing advisor and artistic director. We had to give VIN's a new breath & visibility so more volunteers would be able to help in their hard work. Collaborating with them was a great experience, even if our time was short considering the amount of work on the social medias and most of all on the new website. We did our best to deliver the right things so the team would be able to appropriate their new skills. Our stay was really nice, even considering the sanitary situation that left many beds empty, we had the chance to share great moments with the team and most of all with Dinesh and it's family, those moments will be unforgettable.
The VIN's headquarters in Katmandu are really good and the garden is really pleasant. As said above, we wish we could to extend our stay to help them more but home was calling.
This experience was great and the team is gold.

Thank you

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