Honest Milan Experience

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 3
Housing: 2
Safety: 5

- apartment had no AC, we were given money to buy a fan, but it would’ve been better if it was included right from the beginning. Had to compare fan prices, buy a reasonably priced one, then had to carry it home on a hot day

- maintenance took weeks to fix hot water problems, didn’t provide every bedroom with a trash can from the start, didn’t communicate with us effectively

- a classmate who arrived to Milan before me took my room for the whole summer and didn’t inform me before hand

- Milan can be difficult for POC to get used to, was the only Asian in my internship, finding authentic authentic Asian restaurants was really challenging

- had to figure out public transportation on our own, would’ve appreciated navigation instructions to and from the Italian school

- Amanda was amazing, responded quickly, helped me locate my missing luggage

- my internship placement was a good fit, learned a lot, very rewarding, helped me decide career paths

- coworkers were super nice at A-Tono

- lots of beautiful places to visit

- lots of personal growth thanks to this program

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would