Excellent service

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 4
Safety: 4

My experience in Myanmar through this program has been life-changing. What I like the most is how I became fully immersed in the local culture. I've been in Yangon for nearly 7 years now, even though I originally planned to stay for only 9 months. I fell in love with the place. The warm welcome from Cplore and the local community, delicious food, and lively traditional festivals made me feel like a part of this beautiful culture.

The Xplore program staff and the welcoming locals played a huge role in making me feel at home and helping me get on my feet. Their support and friendliness were instrumental in my journey. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone seeking a special ESL teaching experience combined with an incredible cultural adventure.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed