Enriching experience

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I had a very nice time and it was a very enriching experience. Everything was nice and clean. We were in contact with local students and people but I found the interactions limited (e.g. The homestay was a little too short). I would therefore recommend this program to anyone looking for a first time humanitarian experience (it was my case), as well as anyone who fears culture shock and is unwilling to confront it too much for a first experience.
GAC gave me a package with absolutely everything I needed in it (metro card, sim card, map of Beijing etc.). I was impressed by how well all this was done.
The hotel facilities were good, almost too good for a volunteering experience. To be honest, I was expecting much worse. I my opinion, the hotel was so comfortable that I did not feel like I was volunteering. I almost felt like I never left my comfortable home in the west, and it’s a shame. I enjoyed the stay with a local family a lot more. The facilities were nice but we were also in contact with local people, therefore more what I was looking for.
Although I would have liked a more concrete project, I enjoyed the freedom we had in choosing our activities (what dates, what times we wanted to go, how we were going to do things without anyone dictating it for us).
GAC always had stuff planned for us, and we were never bored. At the same time, we were given a lot of freedom to decide what we wanted to do. I think this is perfect.
GAC coordinators showed that they were at our service at all times, ready to help. Every time we needed something in Beijing, they found it for us. They were also great during visits. I, as a foreigner who did not know Beijing, never felt lost or confused; thanks to GAC I always ended up finding exactly what I needed. I personally believe they did a great job!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would