Go for it!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

What can I say about my experience at Omeida?
Well, I'll have to use the same word that many others have already used: 'amazing'!
I've stayed for 4 weeks and left with the idea of coming back. If I could, I'd have definitely extended my stay.
When I was planning my trip, the first thing that caught my attention about Omeida was the promptness and proactivity of the staff. One small talk to Rachel was enough for me to decide to go to Yangshuo (Rachel, you rock!).
Once there, I felt welcomed and part of the 'family'.
My Chinese classes were in the morning and they were great. Well prepared, dynamic and motivating. Thanks Vivian!
The volunteering was in the late afternoon and, for me, it was the best part of this experience. In addiction to the feeling of being useful, I was able to meet different people, make friends and better understand Chinese culture.
Omeida also provides many activities and events which besides helping a lot during the learning process, are they excellent opportunities to create memorable moments.
So, for those who want to try this experience but are hesitating, I will say: 'go for it!' . It will exceed your expectations. Just like it happened to me.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed