Journalism in Shanghai

Impact: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 4

As a recent graduate of university, my project in Shanghai was a great way for me to discover what journalism is all about and if it was something I wanted to do. I feel really lucky to have been able to write for such a distinguished magazine as Shanghai Business Review and can trace great improvement in not only my writing skills, but also in communication, people skills and working in an office environment specific to the field of journalism. A bit doe eyed out of college, I can honestly look back and say that people in the office, both Chinese and foreign, provided guidance and advice as to how to become a successful adult in the real world. While at the time I may have been sensitive to criticism, in the long term it has offered me introspection and I can more clearly envision who I want to be and how I can achieve more concrete goals. As far as, the social aspect of volunteering with Projects Abroad it deserves an A+ because Shanghai is such a fun and happening city all by itself, but thanks to the PA team, all the volunteers came together once a week for lovely traditional meals and great activities were always going on to meet and chat with others.

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