Volunteer in Chilean Schools

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

ABV is a not for profit organization and really focuses on the volunteer and the work of the volunteer, instead of the business. I highly recommend ABV-my host family was extremely kind and helpful, the coordinator was involved and always available, and the people I worked with wanted me to be there and made me feel useful. All of the promised services were provided. However, as with any volunteer experience, situations are different and never match up to expectations. Most importantly, the success of the volunteer, depends on the volunteer. You must be the type of person who can take initiative and not wait for others to come to you. You have to be comfortable with being different, and embrace those differences, always sharing and learning with others. I helped teach English in Chile, and felt like a celebrity in the school. Whenever I entered into the patio, students would rush up to me with there many questions about the U.S., or my personal life. The constant questioning never bothered me, and I looked at it as an opportunity to build connections, while allowing kids to practice their English.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed