Great Experience

Impact: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 3
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I stayed in a house for my month-long stay. I worked in a local elementary school for my internship. While it was very enjoyable, volunteers should be aware of cultural differences. The school was often closed on random days for no reason, making it hard to make a lot of progress through lessons. There wasn't a lot of prep on how to teach a class, so having previous experience, like I did, is helpful. Everyone we worked with was amazing and helpful and friendly. The people that I met during my stay were also great, and we traveled together on weekends to sight-see. There was a little bit of a divide between people that stayed a month or longer and people that were only there a week or two, but overall everyone was very friendly. It was pricey, the only downfall. You pay a lot to volunteer your time, although much of this likely covers the cost of your stay at the house and food (which was delicious!). Overall I loved Costa Rica!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed