My Trip to Salvador Brazil with Cross Cultural Solutions

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Working at the orphanages Madre Teresa and Lar da Criança, and English language school in downtown Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, opened my eyes to the social, economic and political injustices that plague the country and deeply affect the people. The children are the ones I worked with closely.
My job at the orphanages was mainly to play with the children and hold the babies. Though these children face so many hardships, their resilience and happiness empowered me and showed me that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope - hope that tomorrow will be a better day and that, as long as we have each other today, that's all that matters.
Through my volunteer work in Brazil with Cross-Cultural Solutions, I made a lot of friends from all over the world, and together we learned how to Samba, do Capoeria, learn about the rich history of the City we were in and experience the live music bands and Samba Schools in Pelorinho. We also got to go to some very beautiful beaches and explore the picturesque town of Lençois.
This trip ignited a fire within my soul to continue to travel and volunteer abroad, but to continue to volunteer with purpose.

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