Costa Rica hawksbill project and adventure tour

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 5

This project was incredible! We started out in the city, with the Spanish program. We were totally engulfed in the language which was a bit frightening but the families and school were more than willing to help us learn some basic Spanish. For the next two weeks, we went to the beach to help researchers with their work with sea turtles in a coral graveyard. We helped them to figure out what they were eating so that we can help replenish their dietary needs. We got to work up close with several beautiful hawksbill and green sea turtles. For the last two weeks, we had a blast traveling all around the country and seeing awesome sights, meeting awesome locals, and doing really thrilling activities. I feel that this trip was a three- in- one deal, I improved my Spanish speaking skills, I helped in conservation work, and I was learning about the Costa Rican culture.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would