Special entry

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Big Beyond is here because of Bwindi impenetrable national park, but not just to work with park conservation issues. Instead, the central part of Big Beyond's work is the relationship beteween the locals and the park. As the organisation has good connections locally, it also means special opportunities for volunteers. Entering Bwindi usually means one mere objective, to find mountain gorillas as fast as possible and spend an hour with them before exiting the park again. However, with Big Beyond you can enter the park safely with a ranger and collect seedlings for the locals. When you do you can move at your own paze and really experience the forest, which carries a natural beauty that cannot be explained in words. Regular tourists will never have that opportunity and they will probably never be invited to lunch at a private residence either.

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Year Completed