TEFL on, my friends

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Getting my TEFL/TESOL certification was not what I expected but it ended up being one of the best experiences of my life. It had been a few years since I had been in school so I was a bit intimidated. However on the first day of class, I was met by a smiley, energetic, and kind teacher. Claudia is amazing instructor and brings energy and passion to the classroom. She is a great role model and I strive to teach my classes as she teaches hers. The long class hours flew by quicker than I could have imagined. Although there was a fair amount of classwork, Claudia was always available for help and guidance. She found local jobs as well as jobs around the world that we could apply to. Claudia also promised lifetime guidance with finding teaching jobs across the world as well as write a letter of recommendation.
During the four weeks, my class got extremely close and I found many of them to be great friends. Each person brought different strengths to the classroom and I was able to learn many things from them. I am looking forward to staying in touch with my TEFL family and I cannot wait to see where my certification takes us - the possibilities are endless!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed