Why did you decide to volunteer with VIDA in Nicaragua?
Alissa: I wanted to do a medical service volunteer trip and saw an advertisement for this trip on my university campus. I went to the information session and the trip sounded amazing. I felt it would provide a chance to volunteer with local, under-served populations and travel to a country I'd never been to with a group of my peers. So, I signed up.
Describe your day to day activities as a volunteer.
Alissa: On clinic days: wake up around 6:30am, eat breakfast and go to work in the rural clinic with a lunch break. At night, dinner with host family, the group or free time. Travel/free days: one day we did historical sightseeing and pottery making in between the bus rides, the other we went ziplining.
What made this volunteer experience unique and special?
Alissa: My homestay was the highlight of my trip. I stayed with two other students and my host family was amazing - so much fun to hang out with, took us out and about and really welcomed us into their family.
How has this experience helped you grow personally and professionally?
Alissa: Has confirmed my desire to enter the medical profession and made me want to do more volunteer trips like these. I am even planning on leading one next January to Guatemala.